Review: External Processors by Sherry Yuan

Review of External Processors by Sherry Yuan (6117 words)

Luna Station Quarterly, Issue 051 : Purchase or Read Online

Set in a future that is utopian for some, but eerily close to dystopia for others, this story hits all the right notes. People use ExP, or External Processor, stickers to improve their cognitive abilities, but where do those enhanced abilities come from?

This story shows two sides of the story, two very different lives of people on both sides of the sticker, so to speak.

Very well executed world and plot, and I liked the narrative style and prose too.

Spoiler: I was very surprised by one of the character’s decision at the end. Going off their past experiences, it was unexpected. On giving it some thought, it was probably because they knew what it was like and knew the importance of having that to get ahead. The decision was a nice juxtaposition compared to someone else in the story who made a very different switch.  


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