
Showing posts from January, 2022

Review: The Rose MacGregor Drinking and Admiration Society by T. Kingfisher

Review of The Rose MacGregor Drinking and Admiration Society by T. Kingfisher (2803 words) Uncanny Magazine, Issue Twenty-Five : Purchase or Read Online A fun story that takes fae-human relationships and makes it all topsy-turvy. Fae have a longstanding history of seducing innocent maidens and then leaving them to pine after them, but Rose MacGregor is a little different. She has no reservations about what she really wants, and ends up having an unexpected effect on them all. And so all the fae who tried to help her find her lost sheep were affected by her instead of the other way round. A really fun story about the imbalance of power, Rose and her agency, and a yearly meeting of the society to drink and commiserate. Cheers to Rose! Support us on Ko-fi -

Review: The Backwards Princess of Unusual Parentage by Allison Mulder

  Review of The Backwards Princess of Unusual Parentage by Allison Mulder (3054 words) Luna Station Quarterly, Issue 047 : Purchase or Read Online The Queen has a magic mirror, but wait - this story is more about the mirror than the Queen! A very strong and yet vulnerable tale of the magic mirror and how it came to be the way it is. Reminds you of how everyone has so much depth than you usually assume. People have rich, fulfilling lives, with their own wishes, opinions and priorities and so does this mirror and the man within it. I especially loved how it ended. So much meaning and emotion in those few lines. I had goosebumps! Support us on Ko-fi -    

Review: The Shoe Shopper by Sara Siddiqui Chansarkar

  Review of The Shoe Shopper by Sara Siddiqui Chansarkar (893 words) Flash Fiction Online, April 2021 : Purchase or Read Online A poignant tale about a man who's trying to buy good quality shoes for his children, to try and encourage them to aspire to a better life. But there's an undercurrent of sadness through the tale, with a heartbreaking conclusion. Very well-written.   Support us on Ko-fi -

Review: Packing by T. Kingfisher

  Review of Packing by T. Kingfisher (1169 words) Uncanny Magazine, Issue Seventeen : Purchase or Read Online What can you take with you? The world is changing. I assumed it was about climate change, but your interpretation may vary. Point is, the world will never be the same again, and the narrator and listener must choose what to bring with them, and what are the things they're ready to carry. We can see glimpses of the narrator's personality - matter of fact but sensitive and emotional, resigned to the situation but trying to do their best. The narrative choice to address the story directly to the reader has a huge effect on readers and the feelings it evokes within them. It is important to understand the difference this makes to the story. Maybe this is because I'm trying to be a better writer and hence sometimes end up reading stories from that perspective, but I really appreciated the difference this made. Support us on Ko-fi -